Nanny Goat's 12, 24 hour and 100 Mile - This race was run on a mile loop around a horse ranch in Riverside, CA. The runner could choose between three race options. A 12 hour, a 24 hour, and the 100 mile race. I had initially chosen to do the 24 hour, however, the day had other plans for me.
I started out feeling great and was running at a fairly quick pace, keeping the leader in sight. The heat of the day started to set in around 11am and I was not hydrating and consuming enough salt like I should have. My shirt was covered in salt from my sweat. Little by little, my calves would begin to cramp with any slight misstep and I tried to increase my fluid and electrolyte intake. Unfortunately, it was not enough and at around 45 miles, my calves would cramp so bad that I was on my tip toes. I kept moving though knowing my crew (wife and boys) would be there soon with pizza and snacks. I made it to 50 miles just as they arrived. I took a seat in the dreaded chair, ate some pizza, drank a soda, drank a bottle of water, and took some more salt tabs. When I had felt like I sat long enough I got up to begin running again, but no go. I retreated to a horse stall, laid down on the hay, and rested. I stayed there about 15 minutes, consumed another bottle of Heed and began to feel better. I got up and felt good enough to continue. I walked the first mile back just to be sure the cramping was gone. After that, I began jogging, then running again. I was amazed what a 25 minute rest did for me. Although, still not feeling 100%, I was back out there! As the night wore on, I developed a blister at about 12am. I stopped, lanced it, put on 2nd Skin, and changed shoes. Good to go, I continued on until about 4am when I hit 100 miles. Knowing I just finished that race in 3rd, I decided to stop. I finished the 100 in 20 hours and 19 minutes. Even though I may have been able to continue on for another 3+ hours, I felt that I had overcome some tough obstacles and learned a real big lesson abut hydration and nutrition. While I did not set out to just compete in the 100, I was really happy with my time considering the extended stops I had to make. Once again, my crew was invaluable.
I need to mention that Skyler ran 19 miles, and Dakota ran 17 miles throughout the night. So proud of my boys. Oh, and they are only 7!