Friday, February 3, 2012

Thoughts for the coming year and races.

As I reflect on last year, I am fairly happy with what I have done. I had some good finishes, a couple of DNFs (did not finish), and some near DNFs. Overall, I did not "pick" the races I did. I merely looked at a race and if it sounded fun, I entered it. I didn't take the time to figure out if I could peak for the event. As I started putting my schedule together this year, I noticed that I was doing the same thing. So, now I am taking a step back and will make an effort to look at this year with purpose.
As of this week, I have some great support lined up for the year and do not want to disappoint. Each race I pick this year, I will figure in the time I need to rest and start training again. One thing I learned last year is that each race is different. The obvious is that if the race is hilly/mountainous, you train on similar terrain and include hill intervals. For flatter events, you work on your speed more. I did very little of the latter.
I am excited to start this year and my first event of the year will be the Rocky Road 100. Last year it was my very first ultra race ever. I was stoked with a 3rd place finish and under 20 hour time. This year, the event has attracted its share of fast runners. I will have my work cut out for me this year. I am figuring that this year I will need to run in the 16 hour range. That will be a full 3 hours faster than last year! The race if fairly mild with regards to hills and terrain, therefore, I have changed my training in the last few weeks to get used to running faster. I hope to see good results from that.
As of right now, I do not have a scheduled laid out. Once I do, I will get it posted up. I am looking forward to an exciting year with some growth as well.